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Ta-niqe-til [Taniquetil] (Q) TIL
Taen-Nimdil (S) TÂ/TA3
take a rest (Q) KHAW
take away by force (OS) MAP
Talagand, Talagant (S) ÑGAN/ÑGALAM
tale (Q, OS, S) NAR2, (Q, S, Q) KWET/PET; novel tale (S) SI; tale (= count or reckoning, not = story) (S) NOT
talk loud or incoherently (R) ÑGAL
tall (A, Q, S, Ilk) TUN
Talmar Ambaren (Q) TALAM (In mature Quenya *Talmar Ambaro)
tangle (verb) (Q) PHAS; tangled hair (Q) PHAS
Taniqetil(de) (Q) NIK-W, Taniqetil [Taniquetil] (Q; S) TÂ/TA3, (Q) TIL. Other names of Taniquetil: (Q) EL, (Q, OS, S) OY, (Q) [GEY]
tap (Q) TAM
Taragaer, Taraggaer (S) TARÁK
Tarkil (Q - language determined by other sources) TUR, (A, Q) KHIL
Tarlang's Neck TÁRAG
tarry (R) LEB/LEM
task (S) TARAS
taste (R) KYAB; taste (verb) (Q) KYAB
Taur-na-Delduath (S) ÑGOROTH
Taur-na-Faras (S) SPAR
Taur-na-Fuin (S) ÑGOROTH, Taur na Fuin (S; Q) PHUY, (S) THÔN
Taur-nan-Erig (S?; Dor) ERÉK
Taure Huinéva (Q; S) PHUY
Tauros (a S by-name of Oromë, Tauron in the published Silmarillion) TÁWAR, (S) ORÓM, Taur-os (S?) GOS/GOTH
taut (Q, S, Ilk) TUG
Tavari TÁWAR
Tavr-obel (S) TAM, Tavrobel (S) PEL(ES)
tear (R, Q, S, A) NEI, tearful (S, A) NEI
tear (verb) (R) SKAR, (verb, tr. and intr.) (R) NÁRAK; tearing (A) SKAR
teeth (row of) (Q) KARAK
Teleri (Q) TELES, Teler-folk (Q) TELES; Telerian (Q) TELES; Telerin Ilkorins (Q, S) LEB/LEM. Other names of the Teleri: (Q) MIS, (Q; T) PHAL/PHÁLAS, (T, Q) NYEL, SOL
tell (Q, archaic S) NAR2; tell a story (OS) NAR2; tell to the end (S?) NAR2
Telumehtar ('Warrior of the Sky', name of Orion) (Q) TEL/TELU
terror (S) GOS/GOTH
Thalion (S) STÁLAG
Thalos (Ilk) STAL
Thar-bad, Tharbad (S?) THAR
Thar-gelion, Thargelion (S?) THAR
that (Q) TA, (R) I; that (the former) (Q) YA
thatch (A, Q, Ilk) TUP
the (Q, S) I
there (R) YA; there, look! (Q) EN
thick (R, A, Q, OS, S, Ilk) TIW
thigh (A, Q) TIW
thin (R) NIN-DI, (S, A) SLIN; long (and thin) (S) TAY
Thind (Ilk; Q, T, Dor?) THIN
thing (Q, S) 2, (S) MBAKH; thing made (Q) TAN; treasured thing (Q) 3AR (p. 360); 'thing for fixing' (A) TAK
Thingol (Dor?; Ilk, Q, T) THIN, (S) KAL/GAL (the etymology given here was later rejected; in the mature conception, Thingol means "Greycloak")
think (R) NOWO; think out (R) GAWA/GOWO
thirsty (Q, OS, S) PHAU; thirsty sand (S) PHAU
this (R) SI
thither (A, Q, S) TA; Thither Lands (Q) EN
thong (R) LATH, thong of [?leather - Tolkien's handwriting was illegible] (S) LATH
thorn (Q) NAS, (R) ERÉK, (S) EK/EKTE
Thorntor (Ilk) THOR/THORON
Thorondor (S; Q) THOR/THORON
thought (S) NOWO, inner thought (S) ID; thoughtful (S) ID; thoughtfulness (A, S) ID
thrall (R, A, Q, S)
three (R, Q, S) NEL; day of three kings (S) LEP/LEPEN/LEPEK (Ar Neledhuir)
threshold (Q, OS, S) PHEN
thrive (R) GALA
throat (Q) LAK1, (R, Q, S) LANK
throng (A, Q) STAG; 'throng-cleaver' (swordname) (A, Q, S) SYAD; (Q, S) STAG
through (preposition) (Q, S, OS), through (prefix) (S, OS, Q) TER/TERES
thrower (of spears or darts) (S) KHAT
thrust (verb) (S) NAS
Thû (S) THUS
Thuringwethil (Dor; S) THUR
tidings (S) SI
tidy (S) POY
tie (R) NAT, (R) SNAR, (R, Q, S) NUT
tight (Q, S, Ilk) TUG
Tilion (Q and S) TIL
tilted (Q, S) TALÁT
Timbredhil (S?) TIN
time, a time (R, Q, S) LU; once upon a time (Q) YA (use yalúmessë or yáressë rather than yassë, that also means *"in which")
Tindobel (S) PEL(ES)
Tindómerel (Q; S, A) TIN, (Q; S, A) SEL-D
Tindômiselde (A; Q, S) SEL-D
Tindubel (S?) TIN
Tindúmhiell (S; Q, A) TIN
Tinfang (S) SPÁNAG
Tinfang Gelion (S) GYEL
Tinnúviel (> Tinúviel in mature Sindarin) (S; Q, A) SEL-D, (S; Q, A) TIN
Tinnúviel (S; Q, A) TIN, (S; Q, A) SEL-D
Tintánie, Tintánië ("star-maker", title of Varda) TAN
Tinúviel (S; Q, A) TIN
Tinwerína (Q) RIG
[Tinwerontar] (Queen of Stars, title of Varda) (Q) TIN, TÂ/TA3
[Tinwetar] (Q) TIN; Tinwetári (Queen of Stars, title of Varda) (Q) TÂ/TA3
tiny (OS, S) PIK, (Q, S) TIT; tiny mark (Q) TIK
tip (R) TALÁT
tissue (Q) LAN
to (Q) 1, (R) ANA1
to a great extent (Q) PAL
to the inside (Q) MI
together (R, Q, S) (Note: According to WJ:367, o did not survive as an independent word in Quenya, only as a prefix)
toil (verb) (Q, S)
Tol-Ereb (S; Q) TOL2
Tol Eressea, Tol Eressëa (Q) LONO; Tol-eressea (Q; S) TOL2, (Q) ERE
tomb (S) KHAG
tongue (Q) KWET/PET, (Q, S) LAB; forked tongue (S) STAK
tooth (R, Q, OS, S) NÉL-EK; tooth (Q, R, S) KARAK; tooth of rock (S) KARAK
top (S) KAS, (R) [KEPER]; from top to bottom TEL/TELU
Tor Tinduma (Dor?) THIN, (Ilk; S) TIN
torment (R) ÑGWAL; torment (noun) (S) ÑGWAL, (verb) (Q) ÑGWAL; Torment-slayer (Orc-warrior) (S) ÑGWAL
torrent (A, S) ULU, (Ilk) STAL, (S?) THOR (p. 393)
Torthingol (Dor?) THIN
Torthurnion (Ilk?) THOR/THORON
torture (Q) ÑGWAL
tough (A, R, OS, S, Ilk) TÁRAG; toughness (S) TÁRAG
towards (Q) 1, (R) ANA1
tower (Q) TIR, (S) BARAT, (S, A) MINI; isolated tower (Q) MINI
town with wall round (Q, S) OS; 'town' (Q, S) PEL(ES) (Note: town is here used in an archaic sense)
track (A, S) RAT, (S) RUN; beaten track (A, OS, S) BAT
trade (Q, S) MBAKH; tradesman (Q, S) MBAKH (the Q word makar should possibly be mankar, mancar; elsewhere, makar, macar is given the meaning "swordsman")
trample (OS, S) BAT
travel (R) LED
traverse (OS, S) BAT, (S) RAT
treasure (Q) 3AR (p. 360), (Q, OS, S) MIR; treasured thing (Q) 3AR (p. 360); treasury (Q) 3AR (p. 360)
treaty ([Q], S) WED
tree (Q, S, Dor) GALAD > GÁLAD, (Q, S, Dor) ORO; high tree (R) ORO; high isolated tree (Q) ORO; large tree (S) ORO; the Elder Tree (Q) SIL; tree-grown (Q) 3AR (p. 360)
tress (A, Q) SPIN
tri- (S) NEL; triangle (Q, Dan) SNAS/SNAT, (Q, S) TIL, (S, A) NEL (Note: neltildi should be marked with an asterisk)
trick (noun) (S) RIK(H)
trill (R, Q, S) LIR1
triumph (S) GYEL; triumphant (S) GYEL
troop of able-bodied men (S) WEG, troop under a lord (S) KHER
troth (A, Q, OS, S) WED
trouble (noun) (OS), (verb) (S) TARAS, (S) PERES
true (Q, S) STAN, (Q?) ANA2
trumpet (Q, OS, S) ROM; trumpet-sound (Q, OS, S) ROM
trusty (S) TULUK; trusty man (OS, S, Ilk) BOR
Tulkas (Q; S) TULUK
Tumladen (S) TUB
tûn (Old English word) (OS, S, Q) PEL(ES) (Note: OS peleki is probably an error for *pelehi)
Tûn (S; Q, OS) TUN
Tún, Túna (Q/OS; S) TUN
tune (S, Q) LIN2, [GLIN]; tuneful (S, Ilk) LIND
Tuor (A, S) TUG, (S, A) GOR; Tuor's ship - see RAM
Túramarth (S; Q) TUR
Turambar (Q; S) MBARAT, TUR
Túrin (S; Q) TUR; Túrin, Túrinn (S) ID
Turindo (Q; S) TUR
Turkil (Q - language determined by other sources) TUR
twang (Q) TING/TANG
twelve (R) RÁSAT; twelve hours (Q, S) AR1
twi- (S)
twilight (A, S?, Ilk) TIN, (Dor) MUY, (Q, S) KAL; twilight, starry twilight (A, S, Q, Ilk) DOMO
twilit city (S?) TIN
twinkling star (Q) TIN
twirl (S) SWIN
twist (R) SNUR; give quick twist (Q) RIK(H)
twisted (S) SNUR
twitch (noun) (S) RIK(H), twitch (verb) (Q,S) RIK(H)
two (R, Q, S) AT(AT), (S) TATA, (R)
tyrant (S) MBAW; tyrannous (S) MBAW

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